Friday, September 4, 2015

FOOTBALL MARKETING: Brazilian FA target Nigeria

THE Brazilian Football Confederation CBF want to open up new markets and have targeted Nigeria among others , notwithstanding an institutional crisis at home.
In recent months pressure on the CBF has mounted. On May 27, 2015, former CBF president José Maria Marin was arrested in Zurich for corruption charges in connection with the FIFA scandal. The indictment under which Marin was arrested named 14 people on charges including racketeering, wire fraud and money laundering conspiracy. CBF president Marco Polo Del Nero, who succeeded Marin in April, denied any knowledge of irregularities within the CBF.
"The CBF brand is stronger than any denunciation," said CBF director of international marketing Vicente Cândido to local media.
The CBF want to expand their business and are eyeing new territories. At this moment, the CBF's main focus is China with athlete exchanges, cooperations in football management, sales of TV rights and merchandise.
It is a thriving business and therefore the CBF want more of the cake, exploring possible business opportunities in Nigeria. The CBF are keen to make a mark in Russia ahead of the 2018 FIFA World Cup.