Monday, July 6, 2015

I'm after a challenge-Ujah

THE team hotel ‘Resort Mark Brandenburg' is located right on the banks of the Ruppiner Lake. Just a few short meters from the hotel terrace is a picturesque jetty which the water splashes over. The small wooden pavilion at the end of the jetty is the perfect place to relay after the first training session of the pre-season tour - and the perfect place for a one-to-one chat with Anthony Ujah.
The new signing made his way along the jetty to his interview with WERDER.DE and WERDER.TV with a cheerful grin on his face. The striker's positive outlook is always on show, and he's always up for a laugh. The Nigerian first answered questions posted to Werder's Facebook page by fans, and then he spoke about his first impressions of SV Werder and his goals for the season ahead.
WERDER.DE: The first few training sessions with Werder are over. How do you feel, Tony?
 Anthony Ujah: "As expected it's very hot, but you can relax in the hotel and recharge your batteries for the next day. The training sessions are going to get tougher and tougher, the intensity will be increased. But that's what pre-season is about."

After a quick introduction in Bremen you've travelled straight here. What are your impressions?
"The facilities are perfect. The pitches aren't too far away, we can get there by bike - it's a good way to begin our warm up before training. So far it's all going well. I'm enjoying it...

WERDER.DE: ...and are your muscles enjoying it too?
Ujah (laughs): "Of course, my muscles are a bit heavy, and I feel like an old grandpa in the evenings. But the longer the training camp goes on the better it'll get. I had a personal trainer during the summer break and did a little bit of work. Because of that I do feel fit and ready now."

Is the training camp here in Neuruppin particularly important for you, because you want to show everyone what you can do?
"Yes, of course. A challenge like this was one of the main reasons why I signed for this team. I'd been at FC Köln for three years and by the end I was very relaxed in all aspects of my life. For some people, such a comfort is desirable, but not for me. I always want to be on the move, I always want to show people who don't know me what I can do. I want to see if I'm good enough and prove to myself that I am - that's why I came to Werder. I want to bring something to the team; I want to repay the trust that the club has shown in me and the help I've been given."

Here at Werder, you're competing for places with Franco Di Santo, who's just had a very good season, Melvyn Lorenzen, and others. What do you think of this situation?
I'm looking forward to a little bit of competition for places. Like I said, I wanted a new challenge. Whatever I've achieved in the past doesn't mean anything now - I have to keep improving my game. That's the challenge that I've come to take on here at Werder. On top of that, it's a real honour to play in the same team as Franco. I'm a big Chelsea fan and I was a big fan of his back when I was in Nigeria playing football on the streets. To play with him gives me a lot of self-confidence and the belief that I can always be better than I currently am."
What are the aims for pre-season?
For everyone the main goal at the moment is to get as fit as possible. There are a few important friendly matches awaiting us and a highly-contested international competition in Salzburg that I'm really looking forward to. They'll all be really good tests of our performance levels that will definitely prepare us in the best way for next season."

Have you been able to settle in to the club yet?
A little, yes. Ulisses Garcia is my roommate here in Neuruppin. We're both new here and settling in together. The rest of the lads have also welcomed me really well. I'm already feeling very happy."